Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Gotcha Day Anniversary

That was then.....

Gotcha Day!

Audrey's finding spot

Adoption day
Easter in China
Red couch

We are finally home!

One year later!

Thank you Hannah for the beautiful and delicious panda cake!

One year ago today a beautiful little black hair princess was placed in my arms for the very first time. Words could never express how grateful we feel, but yet sad for the mother who wanted a better life for her precious daughter. I can't imagine what a sacrifice she made and the pain that she most likely still holds in her heart. I find myself thinking of her so often and praying that she can feel some peace and know that she is happy and healthy. I believe with all my heart she was meant to be our daughter, but God just used a woman half a world away to bring her to us. For this I could never re-pay or ever forget. This is one of the happiest days of our lives and we will always cherish our little girl. We are so blessed!


Elizabeth, David, Katie, &Chloe said...

Beautiful. My how a year has passed so fast. Seems like yesterday we were all in China getting our little girls. Now they have grown into beautiful girls and all of them have grown so much.

Danny and Barbara said...

Audrey is beautiful! She has grown so much. Looks like you had a great gotcha day! Maybe we'll see you soon.

Virginia said...

Oh how sweet. Happy Gotcha-versary!!

Tricia said...

I love all of the pictures of Audrey. She is so cute!! It seems like just yesterday we watched you walk off the bus with Audrey in your arms. I will never forget our time together in China. I am glad you had a wonderful Gotcha Day!!

Angie said...

Feels like forever ago...and just a blink at the same time! Blessings to you all! What a precious babe!