Thursday, May 22, 2008

New pictures of Audrey's orphanage

Chengdu: As aftershocks continue, the orphanage decided to take the precaution of moving the children outside.

This is so difficult from me to look at. These pictures are very humbling and after being there such a short time ago, my heart goes out to everyone that has suffered. I wish, like I am sure others do as well, that I could go back and help in some way. I can't help but think that Audrey could have been among those we see.


Faith, Hope, and Love said...

Sandy, I'm so happy that Audrey is home safe in your arms and that this did not happen while you were there. It is such a tragedy and just breaks my heart. I feel helpless from this side of the world as well. All we can do is pray!

a Tonggu Momma said...

Sandy -- Those pictures must have been difficult to look at... and I am so happy that Audrey is home safe and sound. Oh, and you may be wondering why I am talking as if I know you -- it's because I do! (Sort of.) I have an anonymous blog (all nicknames), but you know who I am because I was your secret pal for a while. :)