Friday, January 11, 2008

New pictures of Audrey!

Today I received several more photos of Audrey. I am so excited to get these. She has also gained about 4-5 lbs. since Nov. Look.... Her hair has grown and is laying down!!!! Can't wait to stick a bow in that. ;) Here is all of her updates:

Weight = 19.845 pounds (I think this is with all the clothes)
Height = 28.08 inches
Head Circumference = 45 cm
Chest Circumference = 48 cm
Number of teeth = 5
Foot Length = 11.5 cm

We will be on our way soon!!!


Carol said...

OH WOW!! What a change!! She has grown! Where did you get those?

They cut Emily's hair right before we got her......grrrrrrrr!!

Hope you are traveling soon!!!

insanemommy said...

She is the tiniest cutest little angel I've ever seen. I know you can't wait to get there to bring her home.