Thursday, November 8, 2007

Some of you already know of the loss of Cody's friend, Jon yesterday. It has been a trying week and a half for the students and especially Jon's family. Jon was in a golf cart accident on Oct. 29th and has been in a drug induced coma until God called him home around 10:00 am Wed. morning. Jon was blessed by many prayers while he was with us. The students and friends from school kept the faith and held prayer circles daily with most staying at the hospital constantly. Jon was truly a light and blessing to all that knew him and he touched so many lives. He will be deeply missed. I ask that everyone pray for his family that Gods Grace will surround them and give them Peace and Comfort, especially the next few days. To visit his site go to:


Carol said...

Oh that is so sad. It's been so blue around here after losing dad. Every time I think I'm ok, my 7 yr old gets crying. Sending hugs!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oh, how sad. I am so sorry for your son, and everyone involved.

Carol said...

Sandy, haven't heard from you...hope all is well!!